Tag Archive carpet maintenance

ByClassic Flooring

Carpet Care Tips For Pet Owners

carpet care with pets

Having pets can be a blessing. However, pets can make a lot of things very difficult. Such as keeping your carpets clean. While the love and adornment they provide can make up for it, you still want to be able to maintain a clean looking home.

Luckily, there are plenty of ways you can maintain a clean home even with the messiest pets. Below, we will be going over some of the top things that you should be doing to keep your carpets clean with pets.

Keeping Your Carpets Clean With Pets:

1. Keep Your Pet’s Paws Clean

This is perhaps one of the best preventative measures that you can implement into your routine in order to keep your carpets from getting dirty. Your cat or dog’s paws is what is going to track in dirt and mud from outside.

Therefore, by consistently keeping them clean by wiping away mud and dirt prior to them going inside, you will be able to stop a lot of the problems from ever occurring in the first place. This works much like wiping off your shoes on a welcome mat or even removing your shoes completely before you enter the door.

While your pet is likely to resist at first, if you reinforce the behavior with positive reinforcement, your pet is going to come to expect it and actually like it. You can do this by giving your pet a treat or toy anytime they walk through the doors.


2. Brush Your Pet

Whether you have a dog or cat, one of the biggest issues that can cause problems with your carpet is the shedding of hair. While there is nothing you can do to prevent shedding in the first place, you will be able to maintain their coat as well as possible to avoid allowing the hair to build up on your carpets.

The best way to do this is by getting a deshedding tool or a regular brush and brushing your pet regularly. The more you brush them, the fewer chances you allow the loose hair from shedding to get trapped in the fibers of your carpet.


3. Make A Vacuum Schedule

When you have a pet and carpets, your vacuum is going to be one of the best tools you can invest in. A vacuum will effectively allow you to keep hair, dirt, dust, and grime from building up in the carpet’s fibers. While you won’t be able to suck everything out with a consumer-grade vacuum, by doing this regularly you should be able to prevent a major buildup of pet hair on your carpets.

When you have a pet, you want to stick to a strict schedule with frequent enough vacuuming. Ideally, you want to vacuum a minimum of twice per week in order to thoroughly clean the carpets.


4. Call On The Professionals

No matter how hard you try to keep your carpets clean, they will get dirty. This is especially true if you have pets. After all, accidents happen. Also, the equipment you are using isn’t nearly as effective as the equipment professional carpet and floor cleaners have.

As a result, hiring a professional carpet cleaning company can be a great way to deal with the seemingly impossible to get rid of stains and unpleasant odors that are causing your home to smell bad.


As you can see, having a pet doesn’t have to mean that you have to live with dirty and unpleasant looking or smelling carpets. By utilizing some of the tips above, you should be able to maintain your carpets even with pets that love to make a mess. Carpets don’t have to be a bad investment as a pet owner.

ByClassic Flooring

Carpet Care and Maintenance Tips

care and maintenance tips for carpet

A carpet is an excellent investment that every homeowner should protect all year long. A beautiful and clean carpet makes a home more comfortable and attractive. However, as a homeowner, it is your responsibility to take care of your carpet and ensure that it remains clean throughout the year.

Every family member should protect this investment from all sorts of damages to boost its durability. Failure to take care of your carpet will accelerate wear and tear. Below are essential carpet care and maintenance tips that you should follow as a homeowner.

1) Use Doormats at Entrances

We recommend taking off your shoes before walking on your carpet but know this isn’t always possible. Simply taking off your shoes will dramatically increase the longevity of your carpet because tracked in dirt can easily damage your carpet.

It is advisable to purchase quality and durable walk-off mats and place them at all your house’s entrances. These doormats are helpful because they will ensure that dirt does not spread all over the house. It is essential to clean your doormats regularly to ensure that they are not the source of dust.

2) Vacuum Regularly

Vacuuming is an effective carpet care procedure that you should do regularly. It is helpful because it assists in the removal of debris and other particles, which prevents them from getting embedded in the fibers of your beautiful carpet. However, you need to use a quality vacuum cleaner to avoid causing damages to your carpet.

3) Address Spills Immediately

When something spills on your carpet, it is important to address it immediately. Failure to address spills as quickly as possible is likely to leave permanent stains on your beautiful carpet. You should not rub the spills to avoid the wear and tear on the fabric.

You should blot the area and ensure that the spill is dry thoroughly before vacuuming. When removing spots, you should use the recommended chemicals to avoid discoloring and damaging your carpets.

4) Use Furniture Pads

As a homeowner, it is your responsibility to protect your carpet from your furniture. A great way to do this is investing in furniture pads. These handy accessories ensure that your carpet is not damaged by the legs of your chairs and other furniture in your house. They also make moving your furniture around much easier. You should put the carpet pads or coasters under the legs of your furniture to prevent indents that are likely to form and permanently damage your carpet’s fiber. 

5) Hire a Professional Cleaner

Another carpet care and maintenance tip is to ensure that you hire a reputable and qualified cleaner. Once your carpets get dirty, you should look for the right professionals to clean them effectively. The experts should have the right carpet cleaning equipment to avoid any damages that may occur due to the use of low-quality tools.

A quality, well-maintained, and clean carpet should last for many years. When looking for a professional carpet cleaning company in Idaho Falls, you should always check the quality of work they offer and licensing. Experienced carpet cleaning professionals will always give you high-quality services.

If you live in Idaho Falls, We recommend contacting All Shine Cleaning Service. Their experience and attention to detail is next to none.